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16 Fun Fall Outdoor Activities

16 Fun Fall Outdoor Activities

There’s nothing like grabbing a nice hot mug of apple cider and hearing the crunching leaves under your feet. Fall is such a wonderful time to be outdoors. The weather isn’t too hot, the weather isn’t yet cold, it’s just right in my book. Here’s a list of 16 Fun Fall Outdoor Activities to do with your children this season!

1. Feed the Birds

Make a homemade bird feeder and hang it from the tree. Watch in amazement together as the birds discover and enjoy.

2. Carve Pumpkins

Where is a better place to carve a pumpkin than your very own backyard? The mess stays outside and you can experience the crisp air as you create.

3. Scavenger Hunts

Print your FREE scavenger hunt page, grab a pencil and clipboard, and head outside to discover nature.

4. Paint Pinecones

We love creating nature art. Fall is always a time we like to gather pinecones and paint them to decorate our homeschool room.

5. Apple Orchard

It’s a tradition in our family to attend our local apple orchard each year. They have a festival around the end of September and offer delicious food, apple picking, hay mazes, and pony rides. The little ones have a blast and learn a lot every time we go.

6. Pumpkin Patch

Locate a pumpkin patch close to you and pick out a pumpkin together, rather than buying one from the grocery store.

7. Rake Leaves

Okay, so raking leaves isn’t the most exciting part of this fall activity. Get some work done around the yard and celebrate the efforts by jumping into the big pile of leave with your children. Watch the smiles!

8. Fall Picnic

Fall is our favorite time to grab a blanket and head outdoors for picnic-schooling.

9. Nature Art

Gather different color leaves and either bring them inside or create something special right there in the grass.

10. Races

Call it P.E. for homeschool. Go on a nature walk or race each other on a trail. As moms, we have little time to exercise at the gym. Why not grab your children and get exercise with them? Often times they surprise and beat me in a race.

11. Climb Trees

12. Skip Rocks

Find a local stream or river to skip rocks together.

13. Search for Bullfrogs

14. Tent Schooling

Grab a tent and set it up outside during the day. Who said a tent was just to sleep in at night? This is such a special way of mixing up your homeschool day and enjoying the outdoors on a fall day.

15. Lanterns

Grab some paper bags and tea light to create lanterns and sit outdoors while watching them glow.

16. Nature Journal

Nature journals are a big thing in our homeschool. Grab your journal and draw or paint anything that sparks your interest. Print this FREE Fall Nature Pack that has a journal inside to get your started.

Be sure to check out our list of 5 Fun Fall Crafts for Kids to do with your little ones this fall.


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