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Teaching the Gospel to Little Ones

Updated: Feb 28, 2022


We’re taking a slightly more Charlotte Mason approach this year. I have a lot to learn about her philosophy and I’m excited to read the rest of her volumes. Not all that I share will be considered CM though, but instead what works for our family.

While I believe she was way beyond wise, I still think there is a place for children’s storybook Bibles. We’re going to be teaching Bible the way she recommends with recitation and picture studies (which I share below), but our children also really enjoy picture story book Bibles. They have such a beautiful place in our homeschool, so they’re worth talking about.

The resources we’ll be using for Bible are as follows:


These books and other resources have a special place in our homeschool however, they’re absolutely not a replacement for reading the Word!

I used to think I needed to explain things more than I actually need to. The Holy Spirit speaks to them just as He speaks to us through His Living Word. I also thought they wouldn’t be able to grasp the KJV translation because people don’t speak that way anymore. Boy, was I wrong! The Lord leads them to understanding.

Below are the Bibles we’ve recently purchased for our children. My husband grew up using KJV and it was important to me to keep the translation consistent for our family Bible time and school time.

“It is a delightful thing to have the memory stored with beautiful, comforting, and inspiring passages, and we cannot tell when and how this manner of seed may spring up, grow, and bear fruit” -Charlotte Mason

I’ve talked about this quite a bit recently. Our children and I have been learning the Book of James. We are using a NEW product that will be in my shop very soon to write the passages and they’re reciting the passages to me daily.

Picture Illustrations

We’ve been using various picture studies to go along with our Bible lessons. Our children have enjoyed them greatly thus far.

Scripture Memorization Box

Lastly, we will continue using our box and the @simplycharlottemason Scripture memorization method. I’ve received SO many messages from you all about this. I can’t wait to hear more about how it works for your family. If you haven’t seen them yet, take a look at the link for your FREE set of Scripture cards to get started. These cards go along with my Hymn-A-Long curriculum and are available in both ESV and KJV.

What passages are you working through with your children right now? I’d love to hear!

1 commentaire

11 août 2021

Hi! I am interested in the Glory Due His Name ebook linked in the article, but the link brought me to a page that stated the page couldn't be found. Is this on your site somewhere else?

I love the color scheme of your site - it so calming and beautiful!

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