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Hymn Homeschool Curriculum

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Where words fail, music speaks. -Hans Christian Anderson

For my husband and I, we had no idea what the Lord had in store for us when He blessed us with our children. Raising up little ones in this sinful world is tough and we only have one chance to plant those seeds. When we decided to homeschool our four children, we started to really consider what type of education we would like for each of them and what resources we would make available. We started to ask ourselves “how we can best shape their lives?” Our hearts turned to God, His Word, the beauty of His creation, and the hymns that we sang as young children in church. We knew that Christ should be the foundation of their education and lives as a whole. The daily acts of obedience in sharing God’s love with our children are up to us as parents.

I remember sitting in a session at a homeschool conference we attended asking myself the same question so many other moms had. How do I homeschool all of our children at the same time? Will my children feel left out while I work with their siblings? What activities should I have my toddler do while I’m teaching math? Most of us that have multiple children have asked this question a time or two. Some of the answers you will receive will be “give them a puzzle or an activity to play with while you teach your older children.” “Sensory bins are fun.” “Teach your older children while the baby is sleeping.” This may be helpful to some of you but not for us. The puzzles lasted 4 minutes tops, the rice from the sensory bin in the kitchen was now on every floor in the house, and the baby never napped anywhere but my arms.

This is why I try to savor every moment of our morning time together. It's where we can all sit down at the same table, eat the same meal, and read the same books. Everyone sings along, everyone helps each other out, they learn from each other, and they all enjoy what we study.

Then independent time hits…. The baby wants to be held while you have your kindergartener on your lap during a reading lesson, your preschooler is ready to run around outside, and your oldest is complaining that he can't concentrate on his math from the noise levels. The beautiful morning turns into chaos the moment everyone excuses themselves from the breakfast table. We were able to get to Bible but the academics got thrown to the side because my brain is fried by 10:30 am. Since we homeschool, our children need to learn their main studies as well. It’s not just me. I've had friends and followers tell me these very same stories and feelings.

If you’re anything like us, music speaks to you as individuals and as a family. That’s why part of our morning routine always consists of singing hymns. We chose hymns because they speak to us as a family. They speak to a simpler time, when everything was grounded in the Gospel and the Truths that are found in the Word. Most hymns are designed from Scripture, so we find that by singing hymns, we can hide Truth in our hearts and our little ones are able to remember it more.

We then thought, why does it have to end there? Why can’t hymns and Scripture be the foundation to which our children are being taught? Not just in our morning routine, but woven into every piece of their academic education. From writing and language arts, to reading and arithmetic, every piece of their home education can be done through singing these beautiful hymns.

What started as a morning time routine ultimately became the stepping stones and inspiration that allowed me to create this Hymn-A-Long curriculum. This full hymn homeschool curriculum is designed to teach multiple children at the same time. The age range is from 0-8, which allows them to sit at the same table and learn alongside of their siblings.

Enclosed in this comprehensive hymn homeschoool curriculum, you will find Scripture, hymns, copywork, math, reading, spelling, letter and number recognition, coloring pages, Bible activities, sight words, vocabulary, creative writing, and so much more. This is all meant for your toddler, preschooler, kindergartner, and on up through age 8.

My prayer is that this curriculum will allow your family to have meaningful conversations around what it is that God wants for each of our lives. This Hymn-A-Long study is meant to be a resource to assist you in your homeschool and help you lay the foundation that will shape the person each of your children will become. This helps you preach the Gospel to your little ones each and every day. Not just in your morning routine, but your entire homeschool day. Abide in Him as a family, that’s what Hymn-A-Long curriculum is all about.

Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin hath left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.

If you purchase and use this curriculum with your little ones, be sure to tag @willfullyservinghischildren and use #hymnalongcurriculum on your post for an opportunity to be featured on our page!

Have a blessed day, friends

In Christ,



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