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God Made Me

God Made Me

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14

Today was a down day. Everyone in our house has been sick with colds and taking care of a newborn can be tough during this time. I’m so thankful for the ability to homeschool and for days where we can take a break and I can give them the care they need.

Since it was a down day, we grabbed our Good News! God Made Me! crawled up on the couch together. Afterwards we talked about the book and the Psalms verse that goes along with it. They loved that the book pointed out that the very arms they were cuddling and hugging me with, were created by God.

As mamas, we always try to come up with special things to do when our little ones are under the weather. One of the things I do is make Jello for their throats. After reading our book, we went in the kitchen and made Jello hand and feet cut-outs to go along with our book.

Thank you to both Our Daily Bread Ministries and Glenys for sending us God Made Me to add to our collection of homeschool books.

If you’re looking for a sweet book that teaches children that even their hands and feet were designed and created by God, this is the one! Click here to purchase your very own copy of Good News! God Made Me!

Happy homeschooling and remember to willfully serve His children.



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