Scripture Memorization
This week we’re digging into what it means to worship. We’ll be talking about the importance of seeing God in everything we do, but also that we’re called to worship him in our heart and minds fully. We will be stopping all the distractions that comes along with life and simply worshiping the God of all creation.

Our morning time is when we spend our time in worship and in the Word. We have hymns we sing, a reading from our theology book, a bible reading, verse songs, and much more that we do together. Though I’ve intentionally set this time aside, I want our children to see that we can stop the busyness of life any time to worship our Lord. It shouldn’t always be routine driven and done because it’s baked into our homeschool schedule.
Today we stop. I stop the running around to accomplish the demanding tasks of motherhood and teaching. Our children stop their school work and play. The distractions of others will stop. We will sit and worship. We set our hearts and minds fully on Him in prayer and in songs of praise.
The verse of the week is found in the Book of Psalms. I hope it’s a blessing to you and your little ones. I pray that this little printable is a simple reminder to set aside time to worship our Maker. Below, please find your free handwriting skills printable for you and your child to reflect on what it means to worship this week.

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Psalm 95:6
Click Here for your verse of the week printable.
Please come back next Monday for more verse of the week fun.
Happy homeschooling and remember to willfully serve His children throughout your homeschool day.