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Forest Lake
Glory Due His Name eBook
In the Forest

What shops have contributed to the Glory Due His Name eBook?

Please see the list of creators located under the "creator information" tab. 


Can I use a coupon to purchase this eBook?

No. These items are already deeply discounted and all coupons will be unavailable for use.


What's the age range?

The age range for these resources would be ideal for preschool through grade 3. Some of these items are intended for moms and family devotional time as well.


What's covered in this eBook?

This eBook collection has been carefully put together by many extremely talented mamas. It will walk your little ones through many stories from the Bible, through step-by-step tutorials of hand made handicrafts, bible activities, Charlotte Mason style Bible picture studies, creation studies, and so much more!


How can these resources be used?

These resources are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, written, mechanical, photocopying, recording, electronic, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. These studies were intended for PERSONAL use ONLY. This pack may not be shared with anyone other than the purchaser.


How can this eBook collection be accessed?

Your PDF with the link to the Google Drive will be sent directly to your email box after you've purchased the item via Willfully Serving His Children's store. There you will find eBook that you can download directly to your device.


Will anything me shipped to me?

No. The resources from this eBook are DIGITAL only.


How long will this eBook be available for purchase?

The eBook collection will be available for purchase from February 22, 2021 until February 27, 2021 at the one-time sale price of $20.00. It remain available on Willfully Serving His Children's website at a higher cost until February 27, 2022.


Will the eBook collection be available after the marked launch sale dates?

Yes. As noted above, it will be available for purchase however, it will be sold for $35.00. There will only be a ONE TIME sale price of $20.00 on this product.


What is the return policy on the Glory Due His Name eBook?

Due to the nature of digital products, Willfully Serving His Children or any other creator will NOT accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. Please contact us if you have any issues downloading  your order.


How long with the link to the eBook be available?

You must download and save all of your eBook document to your device within 30 days of purchase. After that, the item will NO LONGER be available for download. Please download and save your items!


What email distribution will I be on when I purchase this eBook?

You will be added to each of the 25 creator's email distribution list. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of our new products and offerings. 


Terms and conditions of purchase information:

By purchasing this eBook, you agree to the terms and conditions on this website. Please note that your name and email address information provided upon purchase will be shared with each of the 25 eBook creators. 


Please note: If you shall have any questions, please reach out to us via We're happy to answer any of the questions you may have.

© 2018-2021 by Willfully Serving His Children

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