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Intentional Mud Kitchen Ideas for Kids

The Word of the Lord Stands Forever

If I were to describe our homeschool in a few nouns, they would be Jesus, nature and treats. We love thinking of creative ways we can incorporate all of this together.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8

Many of our days are filled with outdoor play and getting dirty. Surrounded by three busy boys, our daughter is often just as dirty and plays in the mud with everyone else.

We decided not to bake this day but we still "played" baker together. I gave her some wilted flowers that were left over from a project we were doing indoors. We gathered some dirt and a silicone cupcake mold and had a blast for hours.

This is a low cost, fun way of incorporating baking into your day.

If you don't have wilted flowers at home, try finding some wild flowers on your next nature walk that you can bring home to your very own mud kitchen. Watching the imagination of a child played out is so much fun!

This is a perfect activity to do while discussing Isaiah 40:8. Have your child describe the flower in it's wilted state and the difference from when it was in full bloom. Talk about the fact that the Word of the Lord will be realivent and living forever.

Oh, how His promises are so true, little one!



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